Scheduled tasks section overview

The SyncMaster service for PrestaShop allows the creation of scheduled (automatic) tasks. A task scheduler is a job scheduler in SyncMaster that launches saved templates (options) at pre-defined times. Scheduled tasks will be automatically imported and will notify you of the results of execution to the specified e-mail.

To browse scheduled tasks or create new scheduled tasks browse to «Scheduled Tasks» section:


Here we can see a list of created tasks:

To create a new task click on the «Create Task» button:


Set the task name. Choose the saved template (option), define task frequency & save changes:


To edit a task click on the «Manage Cron Task» button:

To control extra options click on the menu icon:

Here you can start the task by clicking on the «Start Task» button, stop the import process (if the task is already started), download the error log & delete cron task: